Happy Birthday, Mr. President
For Immediate Release
St. Augustine, FL (January 25, 2018) For a limited time, you can see the iconic dress Marilyn Monroe wore when she famously sang “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” to John F. Kennedy on May 19, 1962, for his 45th birthday gala at Madison Square Garden. The dress will be on display for a limited engagement at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! on San Marco Ave. in St. Augustine, FL.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! set a new Guinness World Records record for the most expensive dress sold at auction when they acquired the dress from Julien’s Auctions for a staggering $4.8 million. Add in auction fees, and the dress cost over $5 million, making it the most expensive dress in the world.
“This is the most famous item of clothing in twentieth-century culture,” says Edward Meyer, VP of Exhibits & Archives for Ripley’s Believe It or Not!. Meyer has been acquiring items for Ripley’s for over 39 years and placed the winning bid on the dress. “It has the significance of Marilyn, of JFK, and of American politics.”
With the dress, other items from Kennedy’s birthday gala will be on display, along with other Marilyn memorabilia.
The dress will be on display for a limited engagement, starting on Saturday, February 10, 2018, and leaving by March 31, 2018.
For more information and the latest news, please visit us atRipleys.com/StAugustine and Facebook.com/SaintAugustineRipleys.

Ripley Entertainment

Ripley Entertainment

(Eric Kayne/AP Images for Ripley’s Believe It or Not!)

Ripley Entertainment
Suzanne Smagala-Potts
Public Relations Manager
Ripley Entertainment Inc.
Office: 407-345-8010 | Cell: 727-439-0136
Kim Kiff
Regional Manager
Ripley Entertainment Inc.
Cell: 904-377-2607
About Ripley Entertainment
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! is part of the Ripley Entertainment Inc. (www.ripleys.com) family of worldwide attractions, the global leader in location-based entertainment. More than 14 million people visit its 100-plus attractions in 11 countries each year. In addition to its 30 Believe It or Not! Odditoriums, the Orlando, Florida-based company has publishing, licensing and broadcast divisions that oversee projects including the syndicated Believe It or Not! television show, best-selling books and the popular syndicated cartoon strip, Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, that still runs daily in countries around the world. Ripley Entertainment is a Jim Pattison Company, the second-largest privately held company in Canada.